September 19, 2024

An alleged poacher (45) has been arrested on Monday, 16 September 2024 by the men and women in Blue from Acornhoek SAPS during Operation Shanela.

According to a report, information was received through Intelligence of the Police. The members are said to have planned as well as followed the details and operationalised the gathered information, leading to cornering of a male person who was found in possession of a firearm with five live ammunition at Chavelagaza near Acornhoek. The man failed to produce a firearm licence hence he was apprehended.

Thereafter, members proceeded with their investigation around the premises. It was during this period when a lot of game meat was discovered stored inside a refrigerator. The suspect could not produce any proof of purchase for the meat.

Some of the recovered game meat include two Impala heads, a Warthog head, a Blesbok head, as well as two unidentified wild animal thighs.

The firearm will undergo ballistic testing to determine whether it was not previously used in
the commission of crime elsewhere hence Police cannot rule out the possibility of adding more charges against the suspect as the investigation continues.

The arrested suspect is expected to appear at the Acornhoek Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday, 18 September 2024 facing various charges, including that of illegal possession of game meat, and possession of unlicenced firearm with ammunition.

Meanwhile the Acting Provincial Commissioner of the SAPS in Mpumalanga, Major General (Dr) Zeph Mkhwanazi has welcomed the positive results produced by the team deployed on Operation Shanela. “The proliferation of firearms continues to be a challenge however the Police are doing the best to mitigate this by ensuring that we follow up on information on the whereabouts of these weapons and our efforts are yielding positive results, ” said the General.

Source: South African Police Service