October 18, 2024

On 11th March 2019, the accused Precious Ngidi, 28-year-old went to the deceases, Noxolo Mkhwanazi aged 26-year-old, place of work in Tongaat.


She confronted the deceased about having an affair with her husband. They got into an argument and the accused removed a container from her bag, containing acid and threw it on the deceased.


In the process some of the acid spilled on the accused. A reaction officer immediately attended the scene and transported the accused to Tongaat police station, as the community members wanted to assault her at the time.


She was handed over to Detective Warrant Officer S. G. Naidoo who then arrested her for Attempted Murder. At the time she had a one month old child.


He seized both the clothing of the deceased and accused and with his partner Detective Sgt. T. S. Mazwayi, drove to Pretoria Forensic Trace Analysis Laboratory to establish what acid was used.


The laboratory report confirmed that the acid found on the clothing was Sulfuric Acid that penetrates the skin and flesh causing organ failure.


In June 2019 the deceased was declared dead at Albert Luthuli hospital and the charge was then changed to Murder.


An entire trial was run and unfortunately had to be delayed, due to the accused falling pregnant and mothering another child, currently aged three months old.


During the trial and even after being convicted, the accused maintained that she acted in self-defence. Even in mitigation of sentence, she said she was remorseful but still claiming self-defence, although the evidence at trial proved otherwise.


Today, on 2021/09/03 the accused was sentenced to direct imprisonment of 15 years.


The deceased’s family was in court and commended both the investigators and were pleased with the sentence.


The prosecutor Mr Myeni also commended the investigators for a job well done. He commended the detectives for being at Court for the entire trial, even until judgment and sentencing.  He was also well pleased that the detectives ensured all witnesses were in court timelessly.


Acting Ethekwini District Commissioner, General M.R Chirwa commended the detectives for an outstanding investigation, showing professionalism and commitment to the grieving family and the decease, herself.


Source: South African Police Service

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