This is an extract from today’s Council speech. The full speech can be found here.
I am excited to announce the creation of the Future Planning and Resilience Directorate within the structure of the City of Cape Town.
Cape Town is a rapidly growing city in an ever-developing world and this comes with profound social, population, infrastructure, climate, health, economic and resource challenges. However, a bigger, growing, denser city also comes with exciting opportunities. We have an incredibly innovative local economy, hardworking and passionate people, and I absolutely believe that Cape Town will be an even better city in the future to come. But to make it so, it is essential that we spend time planning for that future.
For Cape Town to be a city of hope in South Africa, we need to devote time and resources to Future Planning. Most importantly we need to ensure that we are constantly updating a portfolio of well-prepared capital projects for the short, medium and long-term that are ready for implementation. This directorate will report to the Mayor so that I have a clear line of oversight to ensure that we are always preparing Cape Town for its future.
We are well on our way to a new structure that is geared for more caring basic services, and a stable and secure executive management team with a clear instruction to deliver.
Source: City Of Cape Town