‫يقدم مرفق الطاقة العالمي Universal Energy Facility منحًا لدعم كهربة الشبكات الصغيرة في جمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية

فيينا، 30 نونبر/تشرين الثاني 2022 /PRNewswire/ — ستساعد مبادرة جديدة أُطلقت في جمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية على تحسين الوصول إلى الكهرباء وتمكين آلاف الأشخاص والشركات.

فتح مرفق الطاقة العالمي Universal Energy Facility نافذة تمويل جديدة في جمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية تقدم منحًا للشركات التي تربط الناس بشبكات صغيرة. يوفر المرفق “تمويلًا قائمًا على النتائج” لهذه الشركات من خلال منح المنح بمجرد إنشاء التوصيلات الكهربائية والتحقق منها.Mini-grid developed with financial grant from the Universal Energy Facility, which recently launched in DRC.

الشبكات الصغيرة ضرورية لتحسين الوصول إلى الكهرباء في جمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية، حيث يقدر أن 19.1 بالمائة من سكان البلاد يتوفرون كهرباء حاليًا. توفر الشبكات الصغيرة وسيلة سريعة وفعالة لربط ملايين المنازل والشركات بكهرباء نظيفة وموثوقة وبأسعار معقولة في المجتمعات التي يصعب الوصول إليها.

قال السيد أيدسبالد تشاينامولا، المدير العام للوكالة الوطنية للكهرباء وخدمات الطاقة: “إن برنامج الشبكة المصغرة التابع لمرفق الطاقة العالمي Universal Energy Facility يدعم بشكل مباشر جهود حكومة جمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية والتزامها بتحقيق الوصول الشامل للطاقة وتقليل الانبعاثات الناتجة عن مصادر الطاقة التقليدية بما في ذلك مولدات الوقود وخشب الطاقة الناتج عن إزالة الغابات بشكل كبير”.

من خلال تزويد شركات الطاقة المتجددة بـ 592 دولارًا أمريكيًا لكل اتصال، يقدم مرفق الطاقة العالمي Universal Energy Facility التمويل الذي سيقلل من المخاطر المالية لمشاريع الشبكات الصغيرة، مما سيساعد الشركات على جذب تمويل إضافي لمشاريعها. في المقابل، سيدعم هذا النمو الإجمالي لقطاع الشبكة المصغرة في جمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية، مما سيساعد على تعزيز الفرص الاجتماعية والاقتصادية الجديدة.Worker using electricity from a mini-grid supported by the Universal Energy Facility in Mada-gascar.

قال داميلولا أوغونبيي، المدير التنفيذي والممثل الخاص للأمين العام للأمم المتحدة للطاقة المستدامة للجميع والرئيس المشارك لشبكة الأمم المتحدة للطاقة: “سيساعد مرفق الطاقة العالمي Universal Energy Facility في تحسين الوصول إلى الكهرباء في المجتمعات في جميع أنحاء جمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية”. “الشبكات الصغيرة التي يدعمها المرفق ستعمل على توفير الطاقة للمنازل والشركات، وخلق فرص العمل والنمو الاقتصادي داخل هذه المجتمعات”

تأسس مرفق الطاقة العالمي Universal Energy Facility في عام 2020 وتديره منظمة الطاقة المستدامة للجميع، وهي منظمة دولية يقع مقرها الرئيسي في فيينا بالنمسا. جمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية هي خامس دولة لديها برنامج مرفق الطاقة العالمي Universal Energy Facility ، بالإضافة إلى الدول الأخرى، وهي بنين ومدغشقر وسيراليون ونيجيريا.

في شتنبر/أيلول 2022، أعلن مرفق الطاقة العالمي Universal Energy Facility https://www.seforall.org/news/mini-grids-supported-by-universal-energy-facility-deliver-first-electricity-connections-in أنه قد تحقق من أول مجموعة من توصيلات الكهرباء الخاصة به ودفع أول منحة له مقابل 542 اتصالًا بشبكات صغيرة عبر ثمانية مجتمعات في مدغشقر.

من المتوقع أن تكتمل مشاريع الشبكات الصغيرة في جمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية بدعم من مرفق الطاقة العالمي Universal Energy Facility بحلول نهاية عام 2023 وأوائل عام 2024.

يمكن للشركات التي لديها عمليات شبكات صغيرة في جمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية وتهتم بالتقدم للحصول على تمويل قائم على النتائج من مرفق الطاقة العالمي Universal Energy Facility التقدم هنا قبل 9 دجنبر/كانون الأول 2022.

حول مرفق الطاقة العالمي Universal Energy Facility

مرفق الطاقة العالمي Universal Energy Facility هو مرفق تمويل قائم على النتائج متعدد المانحين تم إنشاؤه لتسريع وزيادة الوصول إلى الطاقة بشكل كبير عبر أفريقيا جنوب الصحراء الكبرى، بما يتماشى مع الهدف السابع من أهداف التنمية المستدامة للأمم المتحدة واتفاقية باريس. تطمح المنشأة إلى أن تكون منشأة بقيمة 500 مليون دولار أمريكي، توفر ما يقرب من 1.3 مليون توصيلة كهرباء و 300 ألف حل للطهي النظيف، مع تقليل 4.8 مليون طن من انبعاثات الكربون بحلول عام 2023. يدار من قبل الطاقة المستدامة للجميع ويدعمه تحالف الطاقة العالمي للناس والكوكب، مؤسسة شل Shell ، مؤسسة روكفلر Rockefeller ، ورابطة مطوري الشبكات الصغيرة الأفريقية Africa Minigrid Developers ، وشركة باور أفريكا Power Africa ، وطاقات جيدة Good Energies ، ووكالة المملكة المتحدة للتنمية الدولية UKaid ، وصندوق الكربون الاستئماني Carbon Trust ، ومؤسسة إيكيا IKEA ، والوزارة الاتحادية للتعاون الاقتصادي والتنمية، ألمانيا ( BMZ ) ، والوكالة الألمانية للتعاون الدولي ( GIZ ).

فيديو: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6NaXEzCeOk
الشعار: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1957498/Sustainable_Energy_for_All_mini_grid_1.jpg
الشعار: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1957501/Sustainable_Energy_for_All_Mini_Grid_2.jpg 

Mitchells Plain gets Netball World Cup 2023 landmark

Mayoral Committee Member for Safety and Security Alderman Smith unveiled the latest Netball World Cup 2023 legacy mural at the Portlands Indoor Centre this morning.

The 10 metres by 6,7 metres mural adorns the side of the Portlands Indoor Centre and is visible from Merrydale Avenue.

The artwork by Mitchells Plain-born artist Wayne Bks, who also goes by Conform, is a representation of netball, women sports, Cape Town, Africa and hope.

The latest mural adds to four previously unveiled Netball World Cup artwork in Langa, Khayelitsha, Strand and Bellville South.

They form part of the City’s broader strategy as a partner in the 2023 Netball World Cup and is also aimed at creating awareness in the city about the event while also leaving a legacy long after the tournament.

‘With about seven months before the start of Africa’s first ever Netball World Cup, we want to ramp up our efforts to promote this tournament by ensuring its visibility in the communities where a majority of netball players and supporters of the sport live. We believe having these murals in the facilities used by our residents on the daily will assist in keeping the event top of mind and also serve as a reminder long term that they were part of a historic international netball event,’ said Alderman Smith.

Also present at the unveiling were Mitchells Plain-based netball players who will form part of inter-district netball competitions scheduled for May and June.

The competitions will culminate in a Grand Finale to take place in Bellville just a month before the start of the Netball World Cup.

‘Our Recreation and Parks Department has been hard at work on the upkeep of our facilities including netball courts and related amenities. The upgrade of these facilities goes hand in hand with our Afterschool programme focused on the development of player skills, rules of play, teamwork as well as mentorships for coaches. Our goal is to ensure that we provide these inspiring netball players developmental opportunities and excellent facilities to hone their skills to potentially play at future Netball World Cups,’ said Mayoral Committee Member for Community Services and Health, Councillor Patricia van der Ross.

The Afterschool programme is open to girls between 10 – 16 years old.

The pilot project is available at 12 City facilities including:

Rebecca van Amsterdam Recreation Centre/Westfleur SG, Atlantis

Scottsdene Recreation Centre & SG, Kraaifontein

Du Noon Recreation Centre

Sarepta Recreation Centre, Kuilsriver

Nomzamo Recreation Centre, Strand

Khayelitsha CBD Centre, Khayelitsha

Ravensmead Recreation Centre

Proteaville Recreation Centre, Bellville South

Gugulethu Indoor Centre

Portlands Indoor Centre, Mitchells Plain

Lotus River Recreation Centre

Ottery Centre / Coniston Park

Source: City Of Cape Town

Water and Sanitation on paused torrential rainfall resulting in lower dam levels

A pause in torrential rainfall results in a dip of the country’s dam levels

The weekly report issued by the Department of Water and Sanitation has indicated a slight decrease of the water levels in the reservoirs of the country to 94.0% this week, compared to last week’s 96.2%. This is still a notable improvement from last year’s 78.0%. The recent drop in water levels can be attributed to the fact that torrential rainfall that has been experienced in the country over the last couple of weeks have halted.

Most of the country’s Water Supply Systems are on a downward trajectory week on week. The Integrated Vaal River System (IVRS), the biggest system in the country which is comprised of 14 dams with catchments in four provinces, namely Free State, Northern Cape, Mpumalanga, and North West, declined from last week’s 100.5% to 99.6% this week.

Some of the Water Supply System that have descended in water levels week on week are, Butterworth dropping slightly from 100.4 % last week to 100.2% this week, Cape Town from 76.3% to 75.2% and Algoa Water Supply System regressing further from 17.7% last week to 17.0% this week, Klipplaat dipping moderately from 100.4% last week to 100.3% this week, and lastly the Orange Water Supply System which plummeted from 110.9% to 103.8%.

However, there are some Water Supply Systems that have witnessed an upward movement in water levels namely. These are, Amathole expanding marginally from 96.2% last week to 96.5% this week, Crocodile East from 86.9% to 89.2%, Luvuvhu from 99.5% to 101.4%, Umhlathuze increasing faintly from 95.8% to 96.0%, Polokwane from 102.6% to 103.3% and Umgeni from 98.8% to 99.3%.

A total of four (4) provinces out of nine (9) have experienced overall improvements in water levels. Gauteng water levels broadly experienced a slight increase with the provincial water storage level at 101.8% this week, up from last week’s 101.4% albeit marginally.

Other provinces that have experienced increments in the water levels this week include Limpopo from 84.9% to 85.8%, Mpumalanga from 92.8% to 93.2% and North West from 79.0% to 79.4%.

Provinces that have witnessed reductions in water levels are, Northern Cape from 110.3% to 98.2%, Western Cape from 65.9% last week to 64.3% this week, KwaZulu-Natal declined from 87.8% to 87.2% and Free State decreased from 106.5% to 102.3%.

In as far as major dams are concerned, Gariep Dam, which is South Africa’s largest dam experienced a significant drop from 111.7% last week and is sitting at 102.6% this week. This huge decline was influenced by the decrease of Orange Water Supply System. Sterkfontein Dam, a reserve dam within IVRS, is at 100.7%, showing a minor increase from last week’s water level of 100.5%. Vaal Dam has shrunk from 103.2% to 102.2%.

The Department of Water and Sanitation continues to urge residents to utilise the available water sparingly since we are a water scarce country.



Source: Government of South Africa

Two naked bodies found with visible injuries

Nelspruit:  A gruesome discovery of two dumped male bodies was reportedly made by security guards during their routine patrol this morning, Wednesday 30 November 2022 in Tonga.

Police were alerted by the security guards regarding bodies which were dumped in the grass a few metres from the Nkomazi River in the sewer plant. The police at Tonga as well as the medical personnel arrived at the site and the two were unfortunately certified dead. A case with two counts of murder was opened.

According to the guards, their attention was drawn after noticing a leg of one of the victims. On closer inspection, they discovered the two victims with injuries and they were motionless hence emergency services were immediately notified by the guards.

An investigation is underway however it is suspected that the victims could have been assaulted somewhere else then dumped at the said scene. Police also discovered some blood stains on the path leading to where the victims were found. The motive behind the senseless murder is still unknown at this stage and police are doing their best to establish circumstances surrounding the victims’ death.

Police urge anyone with information that may assist in the investigation with the hope of apprehending the suspect(s) to call Crime Stop at 08600 10111 or send information via MYSAPS app. All received information will be treated as confidential and callers may opt to remain anonymous.

Meanwhile the Provincial Commissioner of the SAPS in Mpumalanga, Lieutenant General Semakaleng Daphney Manamela has strongly condemned the horrific incident and called on community members to work closely with the police to address crime.



Source: South African Police Service

Missing persons sought by Chatsworth police

DURBAN – Chatsworth Police would like to make an appeal to the members of the community for assistance in locating a number of missing persons.

Nadeem Yaseen Vhora (29) was last seen by his family on 7 November 2022 when he left his home in Westcliff. He was wearing denim jeans and a t-shirt. He is medium in built and fair in complexion.

Nkosinathi Mbete (22) was last seen by his family on 4 November 2022 when he left his home in Welbedacht East in search of employment. He was wearing a tracktop and navy jeans. Mbete is slender in built and dark in complexion.

Patrick Kommireddi (73) was last seen by his family on 7 November 2022 when he left his home to the Moorton Shopping Centre. He was last seen wearing green pyjamas and grey shorts. Kommireddi is small in built and dark in complexion.

Xolile Majola (59) was last seen by his family on 11 November 2022 when he left his home to the Queensburgh. He was last seen wearing blue overalls and white takkies. Majola is small in built and dark in complexion.

Anyone with information on the whereabouts of any of these missing persons is urged to contact Detective Sergeant Duma at SAPS Chatsworth on 0840275694 alternatively Crime Stop on 08600 10111. Tip-offs can be submitted by using the My SAPS App.



Source: South African Police Service

PPE alleged fraudsters released on bail

EASTERN CAPE – Sigqibo Makupula (42), the sole director to Kups Trading CC and Kups Trading, the Chief Director of Supply Chain Management at the Department of Education, Marius Harmse (54) and the wife, Elaborate Harmse (49) employed by the Department of Education as a teacher were each granted R10 000 bail by the Zwelitsha Magistrate’s Court on 30 November 2022.

This is subsequent to their arrest by the East London based Hawks’ Serious Corruption Investigation during the early hours of the day for numerous charges of fraud, corruption and money laundering.

It is alleged that during 2020, Kups Trading CC was awarded a tender for supplying personal protective equipment (PPE) to the Department of Education at the value of more than R4 million.

The information was later received that the supplier had paid an amount of R573 000-00 to a vehicle agency to top up on an amount of R277 000-00 which is alleged to have already been paid by the Chief Director at the Department of Education as down payment.

The matter was brought to the attention of the Hawks for probing hence their arrest today. The investigation revealed that these orchestrated transactions between the supplier and the Chief Director amounted to R950 000-00.

The matter was remanded to 3 March 2023 for copies of the docket’s finalisation on certain matters related to the case and legal representation.



Source: South African Police Service

Police round up suspects wanted for Greytown murder

DURBAN – On 20 November 2022 at 02:00, Greytown police received a report of a house robbery and murder on a farm at Seven Oaks. On arrival at the scene they found the body of Hans Jurie Venter (84); his house was ransacked and some of his belongings such as a television, laptop, jewellery and cellphone were stolen. The victim was suffocated and strangled to death. Charges of murder and robbery were opened for investigation.

In the early hours of yesterday morning Greytown police, the Pietermaritzburg K9 Unit and the Pietermaritzburg Trio Task Team and Magma Security embarked on an intelligence operation after they received information on the whereabouts of the suspects involved in the murder and robbery. They proceeded to the Boston area where they spotted the eight suspects travelling in two vehicles towards Impendle. When confronted the armed men opened fire at police officers and a shootout ensued during the high speed chase. Two suspects were fatally wounded while six aged between 22 and 38 were arrested for murder, robbery and attempted murder.

Two flat screen televisions, a cellphone and jewellery belonging to Venter were recovered as well as a firearm, knives, a crowbar, gloves and balaclavas. The suspects will also be profiled to check if they are linked to other serious and violent cases reported in Greytown and surrounding areas.



Source: South African Police Service