Proxima Studios de Ryan Kavanaugh anuncia início da produção de Skill House estrelado por Bryce Hall, dirigido e escrito por Josh Stolberg – roteirista de Jigsaw e Espiral – da franquia O Legado de Jogos Mortais

Primeiro filme do gênero a ser “listado” na bolsa de valores de entretenimento, permitindo que os fãs participem e invistam no filme em

LOS ANGELES, April 15, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Com base em uma ideia original de Ryan Kavanaugh, megaprodutor nomeado EGOT (Emmy, Grammy, Oscar e Tony), Skill House é o primeiro de uma franquia cuja produção principal deve ter início em junho de 2022 e sua estreia para o início de 2023. O projeto é financiado e controlado pela Proxima Studios, escrito e dirigido pela lenda do filme de terror Josh Stolberg, corroterista de filmes de terror como o Espiral: O Legado de Jogos Mortais (estrelado por Chris Rock e Samuel L. Jackson),Jigsaw, Piranha 3D, Pacto Secreto, bem como o próximo filme Saw (intitulado provisoriamente Saw X) e estrelado pelo fenômeno de redes sociais Bryce Hall, uma das estrelas de redes sociais mais seguidas do mundo com mais de 50 milhões de seguidores nos seus canais.

Skill House será o primeiro filme a ser “listado” na bolsa de valores de entretenimento (“ESX“), uma plataforma inédita que permite aos usuários investir no filme e negociar dentro ou fora do filme e na alta.

Com a personalidade de redes sociais Bryce Hall, Skill House age como influenciadores de redes sociais com uma visão inabalável da fama e do que as novas celebridades estão dispostas a fazer para alcançá-la. O filme será filmado na Sway House, uma mansão em Bel Air, famosa por muitas das maiores estrelas do Tik Tok. Ele vai aproveitar o cenário dos jovens celebridades que fazem qualquer coisa por um “clique”.

“Trabalhei com algumas das maiores estrelas de Hollywood, incluindo Chris Rock e Sam Jackson, Carrie Fisher e Dwayne Johnson… mas meus filhos estão mais empolgados com este projeto do que qualquer outro que trabalhei”, disse Stolberg. O trabalho com Bryce Hall e Ryan Kavanaugh certamente será o primeiro de um novo gênero de terror. Essas personalidades das redes sociais são a nova Hollywood e estão reinventando o que significa ser uma estrela. Quando um jovem de Maryland, como Bryce, com somente um celular e um foco de luz, pode atrair dezenas de milhões de seguidores no Tik Tok e no Instagram, ele facilita a vida para todos nós. Mas há um lado negro nesse novo cenário do entretenimento, e estou muito feliz em mostrar isso.”

“O filme será um “Hard R” de terror com uma abordagem corajosa do que é necessário para se ter sucesso em um negócio que depende de fãs que “gostem de você “. Stolberg acrescentou: “Não há nada que eu ame mais do que escrever uma cena de morte no corredor do escritório… e já gastamos mais sangue do que pretendíamos usar. Embora esse conceito possa funcionar como paródia, vou adotar uma abordagem mais séria e usar mais sustos e horror do que o humor. Eu vou dar o meu melhor. Recebi luz verde para ir em frente. E estou mais do que pronto!”

Kavanaugh, o 24º produtor de maior bilheteria de todos os tempos, produziu e/ou financiou mais de 200 filmes como Velozes e Furiosos 3,4,5,6, A Rede Social, 300, Mamma Mia!, Sem Limites, Fighter, Zumbilândia e muitos mais. Kavanaugh também já foi dono da Rogue Pictures, que lançou mais de 60 filmes de terror, incluindo Os Estranhos, Alma Perdida e A Sétima Alma.

“Este filme quebra as fronteiras entre o fenômeno das redes sociais curtas e o conteúdo de longa duração”, disse Kavanaugh. “Bryce é um dos influenciadores mais reconhecidos e polarizadores com mais de 50 milhões de seguidores e certamente será uma estrela crossover. O filme se aprofunda na psiquê humana e na sede de estrelato da nova geração, questionando até onde eles irão? Ele será sangrento, sombrio e, certamente, muito comentado.”

Daniel Herther, que supervisiona a produção e o desenvolvimento criativo da Proxima Studios, será o produtor executivo. Antes de entrar para a Proxima Studios, Herther produziu o thriller de Nic Cage Desejo Inconcebível e ocupou cargos executivos na Relativity Media e no Hollywood Gang da WB (300).

Esta será a primeira vez que os fãs poderão realmente investir em um longa-metragem e participar do lado positivo do filme via ESX.

Bryce Hall é representado por Brad Baskin da Panther Management e Ryan Kavanaugh e Proxima Studios são representados por Neil Sacker.

Sobre Proxima e Ryan Kavanaugh

Fundador da Proxima Media, cofundador da Triller, Ryan Kavanaugh é um dos executivos mais bem-sucedidos, prolíficos e honrados da história da indústria do entretenimento. Usando um modelo financeiro inteligente de finanças cinematográficas, ele foi apelidado de criador do “Bola de dinheiro dos filmes”. Ele produziu, distribuiu e/ou estruturou financiamentos para mais de 200 filmes, gerando mais de US $ 20 bilhões em receitas de bilheteria e tem 60 indicações ao Oscar. Ele é o 25º produtor cinematográfico de maior bilheteria de todos os tempos. Suas produções incluem Velozes e Furiosos 3-6, 300, A Rede Social, Sem Limites, Fighter, Ricky Bobby; A Toda Velocidade, Quase Irmãos, e Mamma Mia! Kavanaugh e Proxima Studios foram pioneiros em uma transação financeira inovadora para a Marvel pós-falência, criando o estúdio e a estrutura financeira que levaram a Marvel Cinematic Universe. Ele criou a categoria SVOD (streaming) com a Netflix, que aumentou a capitalização de mercado da empresa de US $ 2 para US $ 10 bilhões. Kavanaugh é o cofundador da Triller, um dos três aplicativos de rede social de crescimento mais rápido. Recentemente ele liderou a aquisição, fusão e relançamento do aplicativo de redes sociais e música.

Ele também criou a poderosa empresa de televisão, agora conhecida como Critical Content, produzindo programas de sucesso como Catfish na MTV e Limitless na CBS, que ele vendeu por US $ 200 milhões. A empresa tinha 40 séries de televisão em 19 redes antes de ser vendida. Kavanaugh teve várias conquistas e ganhou muitos prêmios: Prêmio de Produtor do Ano da Variety, Prêmio de Liderança do The Hollywood Reporter, Pessoas Mais Influentes com Menos de 40 Anos no Mundo dos Negócios da Fortune, Fortune 400 da Forbes, Produtor de Bilhão de Dólares da Daily Variety, e 100 Pessoas Mais Influentes do Mundo da Vanity Fair.

Sobre a Bolsa de Valores do Entretenimento (“ESX”)

A Bolsa de Valores do Entretenimento (Entertainment Stock X – ESX), uma plataforma inédita que permite aos usuários e fãs investirem em projetos de cinema e entretenimento por meio da Lei de Empregos, é uma plataforma inovadora para o financiamento do entretenimento. A empresa atende às necessidades de financiamento novo e mais eficiente para os cineastas. O ESX permite que os cineastas criem um valioso relacionamento de marketing diretamente com os fãs e permite que os fãs invistam em filmes pela primeira vez. Para mais informação, visite

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Contato com a Mídia

Michelle Vieyra
Jive PR + Digital

Proxima Studios de Ryan Kavanaugh annonce le début de la production de Skill House avec Bryce Hall, réalisé et écrit par Josh Stolberg – auteur de Jigsaw et Spiral – de la franchise Saw

Premier film du genre à être « coté » à la bourse du divertissement permettant aux fans de participer et d’investir dans le film via

LOS ANGELES, 15 avr. 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Basé sur une idée originale de Ryan Kavanaugh, nominé par le mégaproducteur EGOT (Emmy, Grammy, Oscar et Tony), Skill House est le premier d’une franchise et dont la production principale devrait commencer en juin 2022 avec une date de sortie prévue début 2023. Il est financé et contrôlé par Proxima Studios, écrit et dirigé par la légende du film d’horreur Josh Stolberg, co-scénariste de films d’horreur tels que Spiral: From the Book of Saw (avec Chris Rock et Samuel L. Jackson), Jigsaw, Piranha 3D, Sorority Row, ainsi que le prochain film Saw  (sous le titre provisoire de Saw X) et le phénomène des réseaux sociaux Bryce Hall, l’une des stars des réseaux sociaux les plus suivies au monde avec plus de 50 millions de followers sur ses réseaux.

Skills House sera le premier film à être « coté » à la bourse du divertissement (« ESX »), une plateforme unique en son genre permettant aux utilisateurs d’investir dans le film et d’effectuer des opérations en bourse sur le film et ses recettes.

Avec une personnalité des réseaux sociaux comme Bryce Hall, Skill House fait un pied de nez aux influenceurs des réseaux sociaux et constituera une vision inébranlable de la renommée et de ce que les nouvelles célébrités sont prêtes à faire pour l’atteindre. Il sera tourné dans la Sway House, un manoir à Bel Air, rendu célèbre par de nombreuses plus grandes stars de Tik Tok. Il mettra au piloris le paysage des jeunes célébrités qui font tout ce qui est en leur pouvoir pour un « clic ».

« J’ai collaboré avec certaines des plus grandes stars d’Hollywood, y compris Chris Rock et Sam Jackson, Carrie Fisher et Dwayne Johnson… mais mes enfants sont plus enthousiastes à l’égard de ce projet que n’importe quel autre projet sur lequel j’ai travaillé », a commenté M. Stolberg. « Aux côtés de Bryce Hall et Ryan Kavanaugh, il s’agit certainement d’une première d’un genre nouveau du film d’horreur. Ces personnalités des réseaux sociaux sont le nouveau Hollywood, et elles réinventent ce que signifie être une star. Quand un jeune enfant du Maryland, comme Bryce, avec rien d’autre qu’un téléphone portable et une sonnerie lumineuse, peut attirer des dizaines de millions de followers sur Tik Tok et Instagram, cela veut bien dire que la notoriété est accessible à tout le monde. Mais il y a un côté sombre dans ce nouveau paysage du divertissement, et je suis ravi de dépasser cet obstacle. »

« Le film sera un film d’horreur “hard R” et aura une approche concrète de ce qu’il faut pour réussir dans une entreprise qui repose sur des fans qui “vous aiment”. » M. Stolberg a ajouté : « Il n’y a rien que j’adore plus que d’écrire une scène de meurtre où le sang coule à flot… et nous sommes déjà en train de dépasser le budget avec la quantité de sang que nous allons utiliser. Même si ce concept peut ressembler à de la parodie, j’adopterai une approche plus sérieuse et je me pencherai sur les peurs et l’horreur plutôt que sur l’humour. Je n’y suis pas allé de main morte. On m’a donné le feu vert pour y aller. Et j’ai trop hâte ! »

M. Kavanaugh, le 24e producteur le plus important de tous les temps, a produit et ou financé plus de 200 films tels que Fast and Furious 3,4,5,6, Social Network, 300, Mamma Mia!, Limitless, Fighter, Zombieland et bien d’autres encore. M. Kavanaugh possédait auparavant Rogue Pictures, qui a sorti plus de 60 films d’horreur, dont Strangers, The Unborn et My Soul to Take.

« Ce film a pour objectif de briser la frontière entre le phénomène des réseaux sociaux de forme courte et le contenu à forme longue », a déclaré M. Kavanaugh. « Bryce est l’un des influenceurs les plus reconnus et polarisants avec plus de 50 millions de followers et sera certainement une star “hybride”. Le film plonge profondément dans la psyché humaine et la soif de célébrité de la nouvelle génération, demandant jusqu’où ils iraient. Il sera sanglant, il sera mystérieux et on en parlera certainement. »

Daniel Herther, qui supervise la production et le développement créatif chez Proxima, collaborera en tant que producteur exécutif. Avant de rejoindre Proxima, M. Herther a produit le thriller Inconceivable avec Nic Cage et occupé des postes de direction chez Relativity Media et WB’s Gang Hollywood (300).

Ce sera la première fois que les fans pourront réellement investir dans un long métrage et participer aux bénéfices du film via ESX.

Bryce Hall est représenté par Brad Baskin de Panther Management, et Ryan Kavanaugh et Proxima sont représentés par Neil Sacker.

À propos de Proxima et Ryan Kavanaugh

Fondateur de Proxima Media, co-fondateur de Triller, Ryan Kavanaugh est l’un des cadres les plus accomplis, prolifiques et honorés de l’histoire du secteur du divertissement. À l’aide d’un modèle financier intelligent de la finance cinématographique, il a été qualifié de créateur du « Moneyball pour les films ». Il a produit, distribué et/ou structuré le financement de plus de 200 films, générant plus de 20 milliards de dollars de revenus au box-office mondial et remportant 60 nominations aux Oscars. Il est le 25e producteur de films le plus riche de tous les temps. Ses productions comprennent Fast and Furious 3-6, 300, Social Network, Limitless, Fighter, Talladega Nights, Step Brothers, et Mamma Mia! M. Kavanaugh et Proxima ont été les pionniers d’un accord de financement innovant pour Marvel après la faillite, créant le studio et la structure financière qui ont conduit à Marvel Cinematic Universe. Il a élaboré la catégorie SVOD (streaming) avec Netflix, ce qui a fait passer la capitalisation boursière de cette société de 2 à 10 milliards de dollars. M. Kavanaugh est le cofondateur de Triller, l’une des trois applications de réseaux sociaux à la croissance la plus rapide. Il a récemment dirigé l’acquisition, la fusion et la relance de l’application de réseaux sociaux et de musique.

Il a également créé la puissante société de télévision, désormais connue sous le nom de Critical Content, produisant des émissions à succès telles que Catfish sur MTV et Limitless sur CBS, qu’il a vendues pour 200 millions de dollars. La société possédait 40 séries télévisées sur 19 réseaux avant sa vente. M. Kavanaugh a remporté de nombreux succès et récompenses, du Variety’s Producer of the Year Award au Hollywood Reporter’s Leadership Award, en passant par les 40 personnes les plus influentes du classement Fortune au classement Fortune 400, le producteur de milliards de dollars par le Daily Variety et les 100 personnes les plus influentes au monde par Vanity Fair.

À propos de la bourse de divertissement (« ESX »)

Entertainment Stock X (ESX), une plateforme unique en son genre permettant aux utilisateurs et aux fans d’investir dans des projets de cinéma et de divertissement via le Job Act, est une plateforme innovante pour le financement du divertissement. La société répond au besoin de financement nouveau et plus efficace pour les cinéastes. ESX permet aux cinéastes de générer une précieuse relation de marketing direct avec les fans et permettra à ces derniers d’investir dans le cinéma pour la première fois. De plus amples informations sont disponibles sur

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Contact auprès des médias

Michelle Vieyra
Jive PR + Digital

WFP at a glance, 15 April 2022

WFP works to save and change the lives of more than 115.5 million people in 117 countries and territories. WFP is among the first on the scene in an emergency, providing food and other assistance to the victims of conflict, drought, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes and crop failures, as well as pandemics such as the current global outbreak of COVID-19. At the same time, we keep a sharp focus on sustainable development, providing governments with the support and skills to manage food security in the long term.

Nobel Peace Prize

The award of the Nobel Peace Prize to WFP in October 2020 reflects our strong advocacy for the critical role of peace in ending hunger, and for the use of food as a tool for peace.

Conflict and insecurity are key drivers of hunger. Many of the people WFP supports are fleeing conflict, and have been forced to abandon their land, homes and jobs. This award increases WFP's opportunity to provide a stronger voice to more than 800 million hungry people in the world and to mobilize support for the food assistance that they need.

Quick facts

• WFP is funded entirely by voluntary donations, with a record US$9.6 billion raised in 2021 — still 5.2 billion short of requirements.

• More than 50% of the people WFP serves are women and girls.

• WFP has more than 21,800 staff, of whom more than 87 percent are field based.

Global hunger

In a world where we produce enough food to feed everyone, up to 811 million people — more than 10 per cent of the world's population — still go to bed hungry each night.

After nearly a decade of progress, the number of hungry people has slowly increased — driven by the twin scourges of conflict and climate change, and now compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, costs are rising sharply: the price WFP is paying for food is up 30 percent compared to 2019, and the cost of delivering it has risen by an additional US$42 million a month in the same period.

While Asia is home to the greatest number of undernourished people at 418 million, Africa is the region with the highest prevalence of undernourishment in percentage terms, at 21 percent. This is more than double the rate in all regions, according to the latest edition of the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World.

Threat of famine

There are 44 million people in 38 countries at the ‘emergency’ phase of food insecurity in 2022, just one step away from a declaration of famine. People in South Sudan, Yemen, and the northern parts of Ethiopia and Nigeria are at particular risk, according to the Hunger Hotspots report, published jointly by WFP and the Food and Agriculture Organization in January 2022. The report also warns that Afghanistan is projected to face a record high number of people in critical food insecurity in the coming months, with a serious risk of starvation and death among parts of the population.

WFP urgently needs funding to avert famine, chiefly through life-saving food and nutrition assistance. The price of doing nothing in the face of these growing hunger needs will inevitably be measured in terms of lost lives. See also: Fighting famine

Main areas of work

Emergency response* and preparedness

WFP is the frontline agency responding to emergencies caused by conflict, climate shocks, pandemics and other disasters. We also coordinate responses to large-scale emergencies on behalf of the wider humanitarian community, as lead agency of the Logistics Cluster and the Emergency Telecommunications Cluster. Our focus is also on emergency preparedness, working with partners to provide early warning and helping communities lessen the impact of looming disasters.

• Each day WFP has up to 5,600 trucks, 30 ships and 100 planes on the move, delivering food and other assistance.

(*See also ‘Current emergencies' section below)

Climate change

Climate shocks such as droughts and floods can wipe out crops, disrupt markets and destroy roads and bridges. WFP is working with governments and humanitarian partners on the frontlines, responding to an increasing number of disasters. At the same time, we take pre-emptive action which reduces the number of people needing humanitarian assistance.

WFP deploys Forecast-based Financing to provide cash to vulnerable families, allowing them to buy food, reinforce their homes and take other steps to build resilience ahead of climate disasters. This approach was used ahead of torrential rains in Bangladesh in July 2019.

• Before Hurricane Dorian made landfall in August 2019, WFP had deployed technical experts to support a rapid needs assessment. WFP airlifted storage units, generators and prefab offices. It also provided satellite equipment to ensure connectivity, as well as fortified food. This was made possible after WFP had set up an office in Barbados to support preparedness, after hurricanes Irma and Maria in the Caribbean In 2018.

• WFP has planted 6 billion trees in partnership with FAO over the past 50 years, and restored or forested 1.4 million hectares of land since 2014.


Sustainable development is only possible in communities where malnutrition is eradicated and future generations can flourish. WFP has broadened its focus in recent years from emergency interventions to addressing all forms of malnutrition including vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and overweight and obesity.

WFP addresses malnutrition from the earliest stages through programmes targeting the first 1,000 days from conception to a child's second birthday. We provide access to healthy diets, targeting young children, pregnant and breastfeeding women and people living with HIV.

School feeding

WFP is the largest humanitarian organization implementing school feeding. School meals improve children's nutrition and health, while also increasing access to a potentially life-changing education. Home-grown school feeding sources food from millions of smallholder farmers, increasing their incomes and boosting local economies.

WFP and UNICEF are joining forces under a renewed commitment to millions of vulnerable children. The initiative will focus on supporting governments in adopting an integrated approach to schoolchildren's nutrition and health, incorporating school feeding, nutrition, deworming, and water, sanitation and hygiene.

• WFP provided school meals to 15 million children in 2020.

• More than 40 governments have taken over school meals programmes since 1990.

Smallholder farmers

Smallholder farmers produce most of the world's food and are critical in achieving a zero-hunger world. WFP's support to farmers spans a range of activities to help build sustainable food systems, from business-skills training to opening up roads to markets.

• WFP connected smallholder farmers to markets in 35 countries in 2020.

• WFP bought 110,486 mt from smallholder farmers in 2020, which contributed directly to the farmers' livelihoods.

Asset creation

WFP's Food Assistance for Assets programme improves the prospects for long-term food security, while helping create conditions for peace. People receive food or cash to meet immediate food needs, which frees up their time for working on community assets or livelihood resources that can increase resilience to climate change and improve access to markets.

• Through food assistance for assets programmes in 2020, nearly 159,000 ha of land was developed and 1,800 hectares of forest was planted.

Cash assistance

WFP is the largest cash provider in the humanitarian community. Cash allows for increased food choices and diet diversity for beneficiaries while boosting local smallholder production, retail and the financial sector.

Cash allows for increased food choices and diet diversity for beneficiaries while boosting local smallholder production, retail and the financial sector.

• US$2.1 billion was transferred through cash, value vouchers and commodity vouchers to 38.4 million people in 67 countries in 2020.

Capacity building

Through its Country Strategic Plans, WFP is transferring its skills and knowledge to a range of public, private and civil society actors who are pivotal to sustaining national policies and programmes. We are building governments' and other partners' capacities to manage disaster risk and improve food security, while also investing in early warning and preparedness systems for climate and other threats.

• WFP is training government staff in Ethiopia in the use of drones for activities such as mapping flood-risk zones and assessing damage to crops after disasters — building their abilities to deploy the technology without WFP's assistance.

• In Bangladesh, we provided training to staff from the NGO Social Assistance and Rehabilitation for the Physically Vulnerable, so they could implement a community-based nutrition project.

Digital innovation

WFP's digital transformation is about embracing new technologies and data that will help realize the goal of zero hunger by 2030. WFP's Munich-based Innovation Accelerator was launched in 2015 to pilot new solutions and scale promising innovations to disrupt hunger. In just five years, we've supported more than 80 projects around the world, with 14 innovations scaling up to reach 3.7 million people.

• In Jordan, we deploy blockchain technology that allows more than 100,000 Syrian refugees to buy groceries from local shops using iris scans instead of cash, paper vouchers or credit cards.

• H2Grow allows people threatened by hunger to grow their own food in harsh conditions, using saline solutions instead of soil, in seven countries. In the Algerian desert, more than 200 hydroponic units are producing animal fodder which boosts the milk and meat yield of goats. This is turn improves food security for some of the thousands of Sahrawi refugees.

Current emergencies


WFP has launched an emergency operation to provide food assistance for people fleeing the conflict inside Ukraine and in neighbouring countries. There are plans to assist up to 3.1 million people inside the country. WFP teams have been setting up operations and hubs in a number of locations in neighbouring countries, both to facilitate delivery of food assistance into Ukraine and to assist refugees coming over the borders. WFP is also leading the emergency telecommunications and logistics clusters on behalf of the UN.


Afghanistan is becoming the world’s largest humanitarian crisis, with 22.8 million people – over half the population – now facing acute food insecurity, including 8.7 million facing emergency levels of food insecurity. An already desperate situation has been compounded by drought, escalating displacement, the collapse of public services and deepening economic crisis. WFP aims to reach 24 million people in 2022 but requires US$2.6 billion to do this.

Northern Ethiopia

Over a year of war has driven people across Northern Ethiopia deeper into hunger. Food security in Tigray region has plummeted since the start of the crisis, with almost 40 percent (2 million people) of the Tigrayan population now severely food insecure. WFP has reached almost 4 million people across northern Ethiopia with food and nutrition assistance since March 2021.


A funding crunch has forced WFP to reduce the size of food rations received by 8 million people. The timing could not be worse, as Yemenis deal with a serious escalation in fighting alongside continued economic deterioration. WFP food assistance is a lifeline for families in Yemen, keeping famine at bay for the past few years. Unless contributions are received immediately, a drastic scale-down of WFP's operation will be required with the risk of leaving families without assistance. See also: Emergency page

South Sudan

South Sudan is facing its highest levels of food insecurity since the country declared independence 10 years ago, with 60 percent of the population increasingly hungry. Chronic sporadic violence, extreme weather and the economic impact of COVID-19 have pushed 7.24 million people into severe insecurity. See also: Emergency page

Northeastern Nigeria

Northeast Nigeria continues to face severe levels of hunger with 2.4 million people currently suffering acute food insecurity and needing urgent assistance in the conflict-affected states of Borno, Adamawa and Yobe. WFP is working with partners to provide life-saving food and nutrition assistance to 1.7 million people. See also: Emergency page


Multiple shocks – conflict, displacement, a severe economic downturn and the declining value of the Syrian Pound – have pushed more Syrians than ever into poverty and food insecurity. A total 12.4 million people do not know where their next meal will come from – more than at any time during the decade-long conflict. Due to funding constraints, WFP has reduced the size of the monthly food ration that families receive, due to funding constraints.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo

Africa’s second largest country continues to face one of the world’s largest hunger crises – a total 27 million people are acutely food insecure – driven by protracted conflict, disease and climate shocks. DRC is home to the highest number of internally displaced people in Africa at 5.5 million, while almost half-a-million refugees have arrived from neighbouring countries. WFP provides food, nutrition and cash assistance. See also*: Emergency page*


The Sahel is staring down a worsening and complex food crisis as conflict, COVID-19, climate, and rising costs collide to put basic meals out of reach for millions. Over 10.5 million people are facing crisis levels of hunger, including 1.1 million on the brink of famine, across five countries – Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger. WFP programmes have been more than a lifeline for millions in the Sahel, helping communities grow and prosper despite the challenges they face. See also:Emergency page

Other emergencies: Central African Republic, Chad, Colombia, Haiti, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Mozambique, Myanmar, Niger, Philippines, Somalia, Sudan and Venezuela.



#StopTheWaste is a movement for change which highlights the global issue of food waste and simple solutions we can all take to prevent it. Globally, one-third of the food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted, amounting to about 1.3 billion metric tons per year. The financial costs of food wastage amount to about US$1 trillion each year. This is clearly a challenge we must solve as we work towards achieving zero hunger by 2030.

Funding in 2020

Total contributions: US$8.4 billion (a record). Total budgetary needs: US$13.7 billion

WFP’s top five donors accounted for 74 percent of total contribution revenue, slightly less than in 2019.


WFP Aviation manages the only UN-mandated air transport service, the United Nations Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS). The service connects the entire humanitarian and development community to people in need, reaching the most remote and dangerous locations on earth. It also ensures an uninterrupted delivery of supplies when other transport is disrupted by insecurity or damaged roads or other infrastructure, and where almost no other commercial airline is flying.

UNHAS served 400 regular destinations in 23 countries facing crises and emergencies in 2020, operating more than 100 aircraft. The service supported the global response to COVID-19, including providing a Medical Evacuation Service and transporting medical cargo and staff.

Source: World Food Programme

South African rescuers in desperate search for dozens missing in floods

Police, army and volunteer rescuers widened the search for dozens still missing five days after more than 340 people died in the deadliest storm to strike South Africa’s coastal city of Durban in living memory.

The “unprecedented” floods, which affected nearly 41,000, left a trail of destruction and at least 341 people dead.

With the government coordinating the search-and-rescue operation, the official number of people missing in KwaZulu-Natal province stood at 55.

A fleet of cars and helicopters carrying police experts set out early Friday to comb through a valley in Marianhill suburb, west of Durban, to look for 12 people reported missing in the floods.

It is an increasingly desperate search for survivors.

Travis Trower, a director for the volunteer-run organisation Rescue South Africa, said his teams had found only corpses after following up 85 calls on Thursday.

“It’s unfortunate, but we do the best we can for as many people as we can,” he said at a small airport north of Durban, one of the rescue hubs.

Thousands of survivors, left homeless after their houses were destroyed, are being housed in shelters scattered across the city, sleeping on cardboard sheets and mattresses laid on floors.

Meanwhile volunteers, with hand gloves and trash bags, fanned across the city’s beaches to pick up debris left by the massive storms ahead of an expected surge of Easter weekend holidaymakers.

Software manager Morne Mustard, 35, was among the scores of volunteers, who included children, picking up debris and broken reeds from Durban’s famous Umhlanga beach.

“This is my local beach where I bring my kids, and this is where we spend our weekend, so this is for our community.”

He roped in workmates, families and friends to help clean up as beach restaurants offered free breakfast for the volunteers.

Some of Durban’s poorest residents lined up on Thursday to collect water from burst pipes and dug through layers of mud to retrieve their scant possessions.

President Cyril Ramaphosa declared the region a state of disaster to unlock relief funds.

Weather forecasters said apocalyptic levels of rain were dumped on the region over several days.

Some areas received more than 450 millimetres over 48 hours, or nearly half of Durban’s annual rainfall, the national weather service said.

The South African Weather Service has issued an Easter weekend warning of thunderstorms and localised flooding in KwaZulu-Natal and neighbouring Free State and Eastern Cape provinces.

The country is still struggling to recover from the two-year-old Covid pandemic and deadly riots last year that killed more than 350 people.


Chinese Astronauts Land After 6 Months on Space Station

Three Chinese astronauts returned to Earth on Saturday after six months aboard their country's newest orbital station in the longest crewed mission to date for China's ambitious space program.

The Shenzhou 13 space capsule landed in the Gobi desert in the northern region of Inner Mongolia, shown live on state TV.

During the mission, astronaut Wang Yaping carried out the first spacewalk by a Chinese woman. Wang and crewmates Zhai Zhigang and Ye Guangfu beamed back physics lessons for high school students.

China launched its first astronaut into space in 2003 and landed robot rovers on the moon in 2013 and on Mars last year. Officials have discussed a possible crewed mission to the moon.

On Saturday, state TV showed images from inside the capsule as it traveled at 200 meters per second over Africa before entering the atmosphere.

The trio were the second crew aboard Tiangong, or Heavenly Palace. Its core module, Tianhe, was launched in April 2021. Plans call for completing construction this year by adding two more modules.

Authorities have yet to announce a date for launching the next Tiangong crew.

China is excluded from the International Space Station due to U.S. unease that its space program is run by the ruling Communist Party’s military wing, the People’s Liberation Army.

China was the third nation to launch an astronaut into space on its own after the former Soviet Union and the United States.

Tiangong is China’s third space station following predecessors launched in 2011 and 2016.

The government announced in 2020 that China's first reusable spacecraft had landed following a test flight but no photos or details of the vehicle have been released.

On Tuesday, President Xi Jinping visited the launch site in Wenchang on the southern island of Hainan from which the Tianhe module was fired into orbit.

“Persist in pursuing the frontiers of world aerospace development and the major strategic needs of national aerospace,” Xi told staff at the site, all of them in military uniform.

Source: Voice of America

Report: Majority of Black Americans Say Race Shapes Identity

A majority of Black Americans say being Black is central to how they think about themselves and shape their identities, even as many have diverse experiences and come from various backgrounds, according to a new report by Pew Research Center. About three-quarters of Black people said so despite where they come from, their economic status or educational backgrounds.

Overall, 14% say being Black is only somewhat important to their identity and 9% say it has little to no impact, highlighting the diversity of thought among Black Americans, which include U.S.-born Black people and Black immigrants, and different ethnicities, political party affiliations and ages.

Pew Research Center released its report on Black identity on Thursday, and the results pinpoint the critical role race plays in shaping identity in the U.S.

"What our data suggests to me is that being Black is important to all Black people, according to our findings, regardless of the intersections of their identity," said Kiana Cox, research associate and co-author of the report. A "majority of Black people, 76%, said that being Black was really important to them."

Cox, who has worked with Pew Research Center in Washington, D.C., for about four years, said they wanted to make sure they had a large enough sample to "get this kind of nuance within racial and ethnic groups, but also to understand sort of life and society as Black people understand it."

Shelly Eversley, a professor at The City University of New York, said the 76% of survey respondents who consider their Blackness important to their identity was still less than she would expect it to be because "race informs every asset of Black life."

"Understanding the way race informs daily life is protection for a lot of Black people," said Eversley, who has taught about race for 20 years and is interim chair for the Department of Black and Latinx Studies. She was not a participant in the report.

She said being Black is something you are aware of at a young age. Black children are often disciplined harder at school and other places, and their parents tend to have conversations with them about the dangers of racism when they are still young, she added.

The report also points to how the importance that people place on being Black fosters a sense of connectedness among communities, Cox said.

People who say that being Black is an important part of their personal identity were more likely to express a sense of connection with Black people in their local communities, in the U.S. and around the world than those who said Blackness is relatively less important.

There are 47 million Black people in the U.S., about 14% of the population, according to the 2020 census. Most Black adults in the U.S. where born in the country, but an increasing portion of the population is comprised of immigrants, about 12%. Of the Black immigrant population, 90% were born in the Caribbean or Africa.

Cox also said she was shocked to learn that place — or where people grew up and were living — played a large role in identity and how people shaped their values and what they viewed as important issues.

Black Americans cited violence and crime, along with economic issues such as poverty and homelessness as the most important issues to address in their communities, according to the report. The most important local issues named across subgroups of Black Americans does vary but often violence and crime, economic issues and housing issues rank among the top three.

Overall, 17% of Black Americans said the most important issue is violence or crime — a category that includes drug activity, theft and vandalism, among other offenses. Eleven percent cited economic issues as the most important, 7% cited housing and 6% cited COVID-19 and public health. Nearly half of Black adults said local leaders are most responsible for addressing these important issues.

A separate poll conducted in March by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research revealed an overwhelming majority of adults say more progress is needed in achieving equal treatment for Black people in dealings with police and the criminal justice system. That's two years after protests against the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis sparked a racial reckoning across the country.

When asking about community issues, the survey used an open-ended question, so "the answer of what Black Americans think is important is a little more multilayered than just violence or crime," Cox said, noting that there is so much more that goes into that category than police violence.

The report also showed that about half of Black people who say being Black is crucial to personal identity feel very or extremely informed about the history of Black people in the U.S. Of that group, about half say they learned that history from family and friends. A large majority, regardless of how Blackness shapes their personal identities, say they have spoken to their families about their own history.

"The clarity in which family as a source of history for both U.S. Black history, like the kind of history we expect to learn in school, and ancestral history, what we learn about our family histories, was very interesting. It came through so strongly," Cox said. "What that is telling us, is it confirms what scholars and historians have told us about the strength of family for Black Americans, especially in terms of greater knowledge."

The survey of 6,513 U.S. adults, including 3,912 Black Americans, was conducted Oct. 4-17, 2021. It uses a sample drawn from Pew Research Center’s American Trends Panel and Ipsos KnowledgePanel, which are designed to be representative of the U.S. population. The margin of sampling error for Black respondents is plus or minus 2.8 percentage points.

Source: Voice of America

UN Releases $100 Million to Battle Hunger in 6 African Countries, Yemen


The United Nations said Thursday it has released $100 million from its Central Emergency Response Fund to help millions facing hunger in South Sudan, Somalia, Sudan, Nigeria, Kenya, Ethiopia and Yemen.

Millions in these seven countries cannot feed themselves and their families because of armed conflict, drought, and economic turmoil made worse by COVID-19.

The U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs also said the spillover effects of the war in Ukraine threaten to drive millions of people even closer to famine.

OCHA spokesman Jens Laerke told VOA Yemen, South Sudan, and Somalia are already in what the United Nations calls a Phase 5 emergency – catastrophic hunger or famine.

“Other countries—Nigeria, Sudan, and Kenya for example—Ethiopia as well—we have millions of people who are just one step away from this catastrophic phase,” he said. “And we have to avoid that they end up in that phase because that is where people literally die from starvation and disease on our watch. If we have to avoid that, we need to act now.”

Ukraine and Russia are known as the “breadbasket of the world,” supplying nearly a third of the world’s wheat and barley exports. The World Food Program said the war in Ukraine will increase global hunger.

It said the conflict is disrupting food and energy markets and driving food prices beyond consumers’ reach.

The United Nations launched appeals for each of the seven countries months ago for global total of $43 billion. Laerke said only 6.5% of this amount has been funded. He said the U.N. knows the $100 million it has made available for emergency relief will not solve the problems facing these countries.

“But it does plug a hole. It does cover a gap that is immediate, that is urgent, and that is absolutely necessary if we want to save lives in these countries,” he said. “And that is the function of Central Emergency Response Fund. It is kind of a provider of last resort.”

Laerke added that U.N. agencies hope donors will understand the situation facing these countries and support their humanitarian operations. If not, he said, drastic cuts will have to be made in critical projects.

Source: Voice of America