September 23, 2024

The Northern Cape Provincial Commissioner, Lieutenant General Koliswa Otola applauded the fifteen years’ sentence handed down to a rapist by the Galeshewe Regional Court recently.

On Monday, 26 December 2022, at approximately 18:40, the 38-year-old victim was visiting friends in Lethabo Park in Roodepan, when the accused, Lesley Khubulani Zikhali (51) arrived and requested the victim to accompany him to his shanty to fetch money to buy drinks.

The victim accompanied the accused and when they arrived at the shanty, he locked the door and raped her.

The victim managed to free herself and seek help and reported the incident to the police. The following day, the accused was traced and arrested.

The Galeshewe Regional Court on Tuesday, 03 September 2024, convicted and sentenced the accused to fifteen years imprisonment.

Lieutenant General Otola and her management welcomed the sentenced and applauded Detective Constable Beverly Matlhale of Galeshewe Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences Unit (
FCS) for her sterling investigative work and ensuring that perpetrators of crimes committed against women and children feel the full might of the law.

Source: South African Police Service