What residents need to know about the Council-approved new water metering approach

Over the coming months, the City of Cape Town will be implementing its revised approach to domestic metering, which encourages residents to manage their own water usage.

As part of this, all registered indigent households will receive an allocation of up to 15 000 litres (15kl) of water and the related 70% calculated for sanitation at no charge per month from 1 July 2021. This is the largest allocation provided at no cost to indigent households in the country.

Each of the more than 251 524 registered indigent households will receive this increased allocation.

This new metering approach formed part of the City of Cape Town’s Budget (2021/22) that went through public participation and was approved by Council recently.

Over the coming months, starting 1 July 2021, the City’s Water and Sanitation Department will begin the process of releasing volume-restricting water meters to ‘open flow’. Registered indigent households will no longer have a Water Management Device (WMD) with a daily volume of water allocated to the property, but will need to take responsibility for ensuring the amount of water used at the property remains within the newly increased monthly limit of 15 000 litres (15Kl).

Gradually over time, WMDs, the meters capable of restricting volumes of water allocated on a daily basis, will be replaced by conventional meters, when the WMD reaches the end of its expected lifespan. Remaining stock of WMDs will be installed where meter replacements are required, but set to ‘open flow’, during the transition period.

This approach formed part of the changes to the Tariff Policy as per the 2021/22 Tabled Budget that was approved by Council.
Customers who qualify for indigent benefits
Existing WMD meters will be set to ‘open flow’, over time with effect from 1 July 2021. It will not happen immediately for all meters and will be done in phases. Customers will be notified of changes to the settings. These customers will now be required to keep their monthly water use within a limit of 15 000 litres per month (which is an average of 500 litres per day) as approved by Council.

Water and sanitation will be provided at no charge to indigent properties, but water usage on the property may not exceed 15 000 litres per month (daily average of 500 litres).

As leaks on private plumbing will be counted by the meter as part of usage, property owners must act quickly to fix leaks. Households should check their monthly bills and usage each month for any significant spikes or high monthly usage as an alert to underground leaks. (The City will still assist with once-off fixing of leaks on the indigent property where this has not been provided previously). See ‘find and fix leaks’ guide at www.capetown.gov.za/savewater

If water usage on the residential property is higher than 15 000 litres a month (daily average of 500 litres) for two consecutive months, a warning letter will be sent asking for the usage to be lowered to required levels by the following month.

If usage is higher than 15 000 litres a month (daily average of 500 litres) for a third consecutive month, despite the issued warning, then a flow restricting disc will be inserted in the meter to limit water supply to a trickle flow.

These discs are designed to allow 6 000 litres (6kl) per month to the property, which is aligned with the free basic allocation provided for in South Africa’s national water standards. This disc will remain in place for the following 12 consecutive months. After the 12-month period has passed, the disc will be removed and the same process for the property will start again.

Customers who are currently exceeding the usage limit will be informed early in the new financial year (from July 2021) to ensure further awareness of the new procedures and allowing for change of behaviour during the first two billing cycles within the new financial year before warning letters are sent to customers.

‘The City will continue to support registered indigent residents with monthly water allocation at no charge, while promoting active management of that allocation. As indicated above, the volume of water provided to qualifying indigent households is being increased, and they have the opportunity to independently manage their monthly water usage, and play an active role in the collective effort to avoid wastage and maintain a sustainable level of water use.

‘Residential property owners with tenants (including landlords with backyard tenants) should pay close attention to collective/ overall water usage on their property, and ensure it remains below the approved limit. This is the responsibility of the property owner.

‘Going forward, residents will be equipped with the necessary information to help them manage their water usage including knowing how to read their water meters and how to identify and fix leaks,’ said the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Water and Waste, Alderman Xanthea Limberg.

Source: City Of Cape Town