September 20, 2024

As at 1pm on 6 August 2021, the Western Cape had 41 965 active COVID-19 infections, with a total number 423 231 COVID-19 cases to date and 365 423 recoveries.

By 5pm on 5 August 2021, the Western Cape Government had administered a cumulative total of 1 288 985 vaccines to healthcare workers, staff in the education sector and those within eligible age brackets.

The current 7-day moving average is 108 deaths per day.

Additional data is available on the Western Cape COVID-19 data dashboard which also features active cases per sub-district, active cases per 100 000 and 7-day moving averages. To view the Dashboard, visit: is external)

You can also view the Western Cape Government’s vaccine registration dashboard by visiting: is external)

Let’s stay safe and be responsible over the long weekend.

This long weekend let’s play our part in staying safe by being responsible. We can do so by continuing to practice the lifesaving behaviours that we have learnt throughout the pandemic.

Our healthcare platform is currently under strain as we are facing the peak of the third wave. We can also reduce pressure on our health platform by not drinking and driving. We should also drive responsibly, taking many breaks if travelling over long distances and stopping for rest, where necessary.

Doing so will ensure that we keep ourselves, our loved ones and our communities safe.


• Wear your mask properly, covering your nose and mouth.

• Wash and sanitise your hands regularly.

• Avoid crowded places, confined spaces and close contact.

• Keep your gatherings short, small and outdoors – with lots of ventilation.

• Drink responsibly and do not drink and drive.

• Get vaccinated when it is your turn.

• Stay home if you feel sick. If you have any difficulty breathing, seek urgent medical treatment.

• Help protect those at highest risk – especially those who are older, and those with comorbidities.

• Continue to protect your family bubble.

Let’s play our part by being safe and responsible this long weekend.

Source: Government of South Africa

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