September 19, 2024

Executive Mayor Dan Plato has called on taxi associations to cease ongoing violence and interruptions to public transport. Further shooting incidents were reported this morning, which have left three people injured. A City Metro Police Officer was also shot in Sweet Home Informal Settlement.

The officer sustained a bullet wound to the leg and was among a group of Metro Police and SAPS officers giving chase after a group of suspects who had been shooting at taxis along Jakes Gerwel Drive. He is receiving medical treatment.

‘There have been further shootings this morning and it is unacceptable for residents to be caught in this taxi conflict. I call on taxi associations involved in these incidents to put their customers first and cease the violence in respect of the conditions of the ceasefire agreement. The safety of commuters is critical and we cannot allow conflict between taxi associations to place additional strain on residents, who have already been impacted by Covid-19,’ said Executive Mayor Dan Plato.

The Western Cape government announced that a peace pledge was signed by the Cape Amalgamated Taxi Association (CATA) and the Congress of Democratic Taxi Associations (CODETA) last week, who committed to a public commitment to safeguard commuters. However, this agreement has been compromised by renewed violence.

Mayor Plato supports comments by the Western Cape Transport Minister Daylin Mitchell in condemning the violence.

City law enforcement received reports this morning that there were shots fired at Nyanga Junction, and Duinefontein Road.

In a separate incident, a CODETA taxi was also shot at along N2 Bhunga Drive and managed to make it to Maitland SAPS.

The situation is being monitored closely by law enforcement agencies.

Minister Mitchell signed and published a notice in terms of Section 91 of the National Land Transport Act for public comment, which enables a decision to be taken to close certain routes and/or ranks in consultation with the police. Interested parties have until Friday 16 July 2021 to comment.

There have been a total of 76 taxi-related murders this year, with the most recent being on Monday and Tuesday this week.

Source: City Of Cape Town

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