September 19, 2024

Statement by the Mayoral Committee Member for Safety and Security, Alderman JP Smith

A City Metro Police Officer was shot in Sweet Home Informal Settlement this morning.

The officer was among a group of Metro Police and SAPS officers giving chase after a group of suspects who had been shooting at taxis along Jakes Gerwel Drive.

He sustained a bullet wound to the leg and is currently receiving medical attention.

This is one of a number of incidents today in the ongoing taxi conflict that has left a number of people dead in recent days.

At the station deck in the City Bowl, the City’s Traffic Service and Transport Enforcement Unit have set up a checkpoint after a shooting incident was reported there this morning.

The City is aware that the Western Cape Transport Department has been engaging taxi organisations in a bid to stop the violence, and we urge operators to exercise restraint and resolve their differences through dialogue and not random shootings. Not only does it place a strain on enforcement resources, but it also places innocent lives at risk and inconveniences commuters who are left stranded as taxi services are not operating normally.

It is also important to note that all of the disruptions experienced today relate to the taxi conflict, and are in no way linked to the unrest being experienced in other parts of the country.

We are aware of one incident last night, where a small group attempted to gain entry into a local shopping complex in Khayelitsha.

However, their efforts were thwarted by the swift action of Neighbourhood Watch (NW) members who alerted the SAPS as soon as they became aware of the group’s intentions.

There have been no other incidents of this nature in the metropole.

The City commends the NW and enforcement agencies for reacting so quickly – their actions show the importance of partnerships in addressing any issues that may arise.

We are aware of more community structures mobilising to protect their areas, and we commend this active citizenry, not only in Cape Town, but also in KZN and Gauteng.

However, the City reminds these organisations to relay information to the enforcement services and not to engage directly in any situations that could be perceived as a threat.

The City’s enforcement services, in conjunction with SAPS, have increased patrols in areas that could be considered targets or hot spots and we call on the public to report any suspicious behaviour or imminent threats to the City’s Public Emergency Communication Centre by dialing 021 480 7700 from a cellphone or 107 from a landline.

Source: City Of Cape Town

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