September 19, 2024

Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture Nathi Mthethwa has paid tribute to veteran actor MacDonald Ndodana Mathunjwa for his contribution to the arts sector.

“Bra Mac, as he was affectionately known, was a sterling actor and music producer who was loved by many across the length and breadth of South Africa. He was a true thespian, an icon and a formidable figure who shaped the arts sector,” Mthethwa said on Wednesday.

Mathunjwa was most famous for his role on  the SABC drama series, Home Affairs. He also featured on numerous television soapies and dramas such as uGugu no Andile, iThemba, Ubambo Lwami, Khululeka, Intsika, Bone of my Bones, Stokvel, Soul City and Generations, among others.

“To the Mathunjwa family, our hearts are saddened by your loss and our thoughts and prayers are with you. May you be comforted by the outpouring of love during this difficult time,” the Minister said.

Mathunjwa was part of the process of building and strengthening the Living Legends Legacy Fraternity Trust, an entity of the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture. He attended the most recent national summit in December 2020. 

Source: South African Government News Agency

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