October 21, 2024

The Working for Wetlands Programme in partnership with the City of Cape Town has commenced with the restoration of the wetland along the western side of the Zandvlei Estuary on 1 June 2021.

The first phase of the restoration effort is taking place along Promenade Road in Muizenberg. Driving past, residents will see bulldozers on site.

The wetland was historically part of the floodplain area of the Zandvlei estuary, but was filled in during the 1940s. This infilling was unfortunately done with a large amount of building rubble and general waste.

Building rubble and waste compromises restoration results. Thus, work is under way to remove, as far as possible, the building rubble, waste and established invasive grass species. Once done, this will allow for a more natural site profile and the planting of low-growing locally indigenous plant species.

‘We expect the removal of the unwanted material to be done by the end of this week, if all goes as planned. Further site preparations will follow and ultimately the planting of the indigenous plants such as Cape Thatching Reed (Elegia tectorum), Swamp Grass (Carex clavata), Knobby Club Rush (Ficinia nodosa) and Sea-rose (Orphium frutescens). The planing will commence by the end of June 2021, pending any unforeseen delays,’ said the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Spatial Planning and Environment, Alderman Marian Nieuwoudt.

The long-term challenge will be to keep the invasive grass and other alien plant species from invading the wetland area and to keep litter out of the system.

‘Once established, this seasonal wetland system will form part of the larger ecological corridor concept, connecting Table Mountain National Park with the Zandvlei Nature Reserve waterbody. It is hoped that the project will also compliment the well-used recreational node on the shoreline of Zandvlei. Residents and recreational users are most welcome to approach the Biodiversity Management staff on site for more information as the project unfolds. We are excited to see the long lasting impact of this restoration effort,’ said Alderman Nieuwoudt.  

Wetlands systems across the world are under threat as a result of pollution, abstraction and transformation. Cape Town is no exception and opportunities to protect, enhance and restore these critically important ecosystems are essential for the long-term sustainability of the city.

‘The preparations and planning for this restoration project started in 2016 already. It is a complicated process and requires the assistance and resources from various stakeholders and City departments, most notably the Biodiversity Management Department, Catchment and Stormwater Management, Fleet Management, Recreation and Parks, Sanitation, and Roads Infrastructure and Management,’ said Alderman Nieuwoudt.

Source: City Of Cape Town

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