September 20, 2024

Khayelitsha residents now homeowners after title deed handover

Today, Western Cape MEC of Human Settlements, Tertuis Simmers facilitated the handover of 105 title deeds to deserving recipients in Khayelitsha.

In adherence to all COVID-19 regulations, MEC Simmers visited 6 of the elderly recipients at their homes to personally hand over their title deeds. The balance is being handed over by departmental officials.

The title deed handover has been made possible through public-private partnerships, as these recipients, due to various reasons, either had or were on the brink of having their homes repossessed. With the Provincial Department of Human Settlements’ intervention, certain individual subsidies were availed and in other instances, some criteria were relaxed. The City of Cape Town wrote off arrears. Banks wrote off some of the debt and investors / individuals have sold back the properties at below market values in order to help restore security of tenure to the families who are living in the homes.

MECSimmers said: “Today’s handover brings me immense joy and pride, as for this first time, these beneficiaries can call themselves fully-fledged and legal homeowners. Sharing in moments such as these is a privilege that I would not change for anything. It is pleasing to note how my Department’s strategic goal to ensure security of tenure for our people, comes to life.

I’d like to thank all our partners who made today possible. It shows what can be achieved when the different spheres of government and the private sector work together for the benefit of our people. It also once again demonstrates the caring nature of the Western Cape Government and its continued commitment to restoring our people’s dignity.”

Ms Buyiswa Sondobo (55), who was one of the beneficiaries today said: “I am truly thankful to the Western Cape Government for restoring my dignity and for ensuring that this house is now fully mine. It is unfortunate that my husband has passed on and is not able to share in this moment. At least I know he’s smiling down on us. This house is ours and cannot be taken away from us. This has been a long time coming and I thought it would not happen. Now I can leave a lasting legacy behind for my children and grandchildren.”

“As the Western Cape Government, we will continue striving towards establishing an enabling environment, so that we are better placed to grant beneficiaries security of tenure and make more residents legal homeowners by handing over these title deeds” added Simmers.

Source: Government of South Africa

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