October 16, 2024

Cape Town Executive Mayor Dan Plato noted the move to adjusted level 2 and urged residents to adhere to regulations as the country enters third wave. Residents over the age of 60 are encouraged to register for the vaccine as part of phase 2 of the national vaccination rollout.

‘We note the move to adjusted level 2 to curb the extent of a third wave of infections. However, we encourage our elderly to register for the vaccine as they are one of the groups who are vulnerable should they contract Covid-19. As a resident over the age of 60, I was recently encouraged to get the vaccine and I’ve received the first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. I will be going for the second shot in the coming weeks. I have not experienced any significant side effects and believe the vaccine is our best strategy at returning life to normal as soon as possible. We encourage qualifying residents under phase 2 to register for vaccinations, and urge the adherence to the national regulations for all residents. It must be emphasized that we remain concerned at the impact of changing lockdown levels which will impact the critical recovery of the economy impacted by Covid-19,’ said Executive Mayor Dan Plato.

President Cyril Ramaphosa noted that the North West, Northern Cape and Gauteng have already entered the third wave. Nationally, the rate of new infections has risen sharply and there has been a sustained increase over the last four weeks. Similarly, over the past seven days, there has been a 31 percent increase on the week prior and increased hospitalizations, which means certain regions are entering the third wave.

Cape Town and the Western Cape were not mentioned as hotspots and we want to commend our residents for taking the necessary precautions. It is vital that we do not become a hotspot area and ask our residents to continue to work with us as we aim to limit the increase in new cases.

The regulations under adjusted level 2 include:

Curfew changed to 23:00 to 04:00

Restaurants, fitness centres/gyms and other non-essential establishments must close at 22:00

Size of gatherings are capped at 250 outdoors and 100 indoors

Funerals remain restricted to 100 people (night vigils, wakes are not allowed)

Nightclubs remain closed

All beaches, parks and dams remain open

Wearing a mask in public spaces remains compulsory under national lockdown regulations punishable by a fine or up to six-month imprisonment, if found guilty.

Source: City Of Cape Town

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