September 20, 2024

The City’s Water and Sanitation team has repaired the collapsed sewer pipeline in Zone 20, Langa and it is currently being cleaned. Read more below:

It was all hands on deck, from Friday 23 July through to Monday 4 August, as the City’s Water and Sanitation team carried out major repairs to the collapsed sewer in Zone 20, Langa.

Leading up to this, preparation for the repairs included engagements with the community as well as arranging Law Enforcement to accompany the team, as a precautionary measure to ensure the safety of the team while work was under way.

This pipeline first experienced problems in 2014, however, the City was not able to effect repairs for many years due to obstruction by unlawful land occupation. The original pipe collapse was eventually repaired, but the long period during which the pipe lay empty weakened its adjoining sections, which then subsequently collapsed earlier this year.

Unlawful land occupations can have knock-on effects to existing infrastructure and associated impact on service delivery. Beyond that, the majority of new settlements have been established on unsuitable land or land with great constraints for provision of services immediately, if at all. Residents are reminded that unlawful occupation of land often holds health and safety hazards. The City will do what it can to provide services where possible.

This collapse has been impacting on other zones and contributing to sewer overflows in the area. This pipeline is also on the City’s priority projects for rehabilitation this financial year to try and avoid further collapses in this area. The City will be focusing on a trenchless rehabilitation to minimise disruption to community members.

‘Thank you to the community for their patience during this time and for looking out for our team while work has been under way on site.

‘Prior to the repairs, Water and Sanitation staff were threatened and chased off site when they were doing overpumping to contain spillages in Langa. The repair work to the collapsed sewer required an intensive programme, sustained for an almost two-week period, which places teams in a vulnerable position to opportunists. The visible presence of residents, along with law enforcement on site, meant that staff were able to complete the project in good time, without incident,’ said Alderman Xanthea Limberg, Mayoral Committee Member for Waste and Water.

Source: City Of Cape Town

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