September 20, 2024

EASTERN CAPE – A 22-year-old male was arrested in Patensie for possession of drugs. Two members a sergeant and a constable of the local station acted on information that they had received of drugs at a certain house in Ramaphosa Village in Patensie. On arrival, the team met the suspect, who appeared suspicious and nervous.

During a search procedure of the informal dwelling, the following drugs were found and seized, mandrax tablets, bankies of tik, bankies of dagga and 2 bags of loose dagga.

The suspect has been arrested and faces a charge of Possession of mandrax, Possession of tik, Possession of dagga when he appears in the local magistrate court later this week. The approximate value of the drugs is over R 22 000.

Acting District Commissioner for the Sarah Baartman District, Brigadier John Lebok congratulated the members and had the following message for them, “Your contribution to getting drugs off the streets is noted with appreciation. Your actions has both directly and indirectly impacted on the community. Drugs affect families and is one of the great contributors to crime. May your actions proliferate to other areas of the District so that we get rid of criminal elements who threaten our moral fibre,” he added.

Source: South African Police Service

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