Cty’s new Speaker presides over first Special Council Budget Meeting

Newly elected City Speaker, Alderman Felicity Purchase today, 26 May 2021, chaired her first Special Meeting of Council.

It has been a whirlwind week for the new incumbent who, after being elected to office on 21 May 2021, has hit the ground running in preparation for two consecutive days of Full Council Meetings, which today included a Special Council Meeting to debate, and submit the City’s Budget for 2021/22.

City Speaker, Alderman Purchase said, ‘One of my roles as Speaker is to ensure that Council meetings are well-structured during which recommendations and reports contained in Council agendas are considered with a view to adopting well informed and effective resolutions that are legally and financially sound and which, when implemented, will contribute positively to and enhance service delivery to the residents of Cape Town.

‘We are a multi-party council, and as Speaker, I will endeavour to ensure that the inputs of all parties represented in Council are considered, particularly as regards important items and contentious matters. I would like for this to be done with mutual respect and without political grandstanding, to ensure that items are properly debated and succinctly discussed to the benefit of the residents that we are ultimately here to serve.

‘Most importantly however, everything will be done in accordance with the Rules of Order Regulating the Conduct of Meetings of the Municipal Council of the City of Cape Town.’ 

Source: City Of Cape Town