October 21, 2024

Last year the City, together with residents and interested parties, embarked on a journey to refine the overall spatial vision or Local Spatial Development Framework (LSDF) for District Six

Re-establishing the community of District Six is one of the most important redress projects the City of Cape Town is undertaking in collaboration with the National Government, the District Six community, and all other residents, interested parties, and stakeholders.

Last year the City, together with residents and interested parties, embarked on a journey to refine the overall spatial vision or Local Spatial Development Framework (LSDF) for District Six.

We now invite residents, stakeholders, and interested parties to a meeting where the City will:

report back on the progress to date with the draft LSDF, or local neighbourhood plan

inform all what is to happen next – among which collaborating with residents about a vision for the public realm, or public open spaces, in District Six

Given that we are now in a third wave of the Covid-19 pandemic the meeting will happen virtually, via Zoom. A recording of the virtual meeting will be available for viewing on the City’s website by those who are unable to attend.

The virtual meeting will take place as follows:

Date: Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Time:  10:00 to 12:00

Link to the Zoom Meeting: https://uct-za.zoom.us/j/96556989845?pwd=b3Q4M2xYU3VqNGlROW1xclJzUkRnZz09

Meeting ID: 965 5698 9845
Passcode: 905257

‘The City is not involved with the restitution process, but we are responsible for creating an overall spatial vision for District Six in collaboration with the District Six community, and other residents. The purpose of this spatial plan is to re-establish this once vibrant neighbourhood, to create a sense of belonging, and to establish a multicultural community.

‘The next phase of this process is a public realm study, which will assist us in identifying the public open spaces in District Six. The public realm is the spaces between buildings such as streets, squares, green spaces, and pedestrian areas that are freely accessible to people.

‘We all know that a community forms over time. We become a community in the places where we meet, mostly outside of our homes, and most often by chance. A community is shaped on our streets where we stop and greet, where we pass acquaintances on our way to the shop or work.

‘A community does not exist in a building. Community happens outside of our homes, in the public space, in what is often called the public realm. A community is where we recognise each other as passing individuals, but also as one when we come together.

‘At this virtual meeting on 29 June 2021, the City will inform residents about how we intend to collaborate with the community about the public realm – how we can shape and form the future District Six community with public open spaces; what we want these spaces to look like, how we want to use them, and how we want them to connect us with one another, and the other surrounding neighbourhoods. All are invited to attend, and I am encouraging residents to please make use of this opportunity,’ said the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Spatial Planning and Environment, Alderman Marian Nieuwoudt.

Source: City Of Cape Town

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